The truth about "friendship"
People don't want friends because people are not generally friendly. Friendship is about mutual joy/ openness/ faithfulness/ tenderness. People have no interest in that and hate people who engage in it. People want exclusive socioluxury, ESL, rather than friendship. If that weren't the case then girls would go for the sweetest rather than the most tasteful/ aloof/ cultured and powerful they're around. It's primal hierarchal nature. If anyone thinks being friendly will get you anywhere in life then they are bluepilled beyond the point of safety. Being friendly as an isolated aspect is cringe to people. If you're a big fat dude acting nice then it's not as amazing, or wonderful as a hot girl doing it. You almost have to act your role because of the vibes people want compartmentalized based on superficial traits. People in general, with general people trends/ social trends, where they want everything to be cold, vain and competitive are to blame for the natural even-out of human misery, anger, and suffering. Everything feels like a hoop-jump around the majority of humanity the less primal value you have. For those who are not interested in competitive dominance then interacting with the general public shouldn't be a thing for you.
People are generally friendly where there is the right underlying context with people. But that's not being friendly to everyone. It is latent with socioluxuriance evaluations. People are invested in socioluxuriance. Ugly people unless they look violent are not underlyingly taken for being a threat. SO the reason they don't engage with them is mainly because they have hierarchal hygiene.
People are generally friendly with those within their agenda for hierarchal health.
Sometimes people are so ugly they act overly friendly because they try to qualify for people's standards, because they think that life own't care to qualify for theirs. And that puts them at a disadvantage to the point where they try and make friends much at the expense of themselves.
People are not even generally invested with average or good looking people out of anxiety (preserving socioluxuriance dignity). Or because they're not good enough. Women these days want the top 1%. They think anything below that makes them tacitly admit their own lack of socioluxuriant substance to get what they want from society.
People don't want to have the realm of being generally friendly. People think they do. But a notion that's well hidden from the public, even under the fear we have of people intuiting our intentions can remain there so long as it's not discovered.
People in reality don't want friends. They don't want to be open and honest and nice with people. The real dread without human validation is feeling like a nobody, and without socioluxury.
Sure we all have a want for true companionship. But we begin to feel the even-out of how many people care about companionship. The majority of people are dense normies who just want validation. Those people who want companionship are very rare and stick together. But we get so cynical and stricken sick of human beings that we end up just farming for socioluxury through superficial culture and manipulation than everr having friends.
There is no real friendship. You're either of socioluxuriant use or you are nothing.
There are people like you. They're just not the majority. The majorities indicate the cookie-cutter condition of the biology of humanity. People are individuals, but they're often just bots as well. The cookie-cutter inclination makes up the majority. Variations are outweighed by the sames. And the prominence of the sames is often mightier/ greater than anything which varies. With rare occasion. The powerful are on top of the powerless because of distinguishments. But even they have things which are similar to the norm that tone the environment.
The MEM, Most Encounterable Majority will tone the environment. Either because people are dense to it, or because they fear what happens if they don't fall in line with it. And that fear will scatter. Women are trendy.
It's natural for a species to develop in unison to those of its kind. Especially mammals. Monkeys if they aren't as mighty, or strong as the loudest in the herd will be disliked. It's a survival mechanism built upon a solid wall of unbroken tendency for a thousand generations for you to follow the majority. If 90% of monkeys are loud and obnoxious then what do a few exceptions matter? the overtendency is already made plain.
And the overtendency of humanity is filled with dense, drunk, unthinking, irritable, socioluxury seeking retards.
Majorities show the over-tendencies of humanity.
It's the evened-out-finality, EOF, that human beings forget about love, companionship, and consideration for the sake of socioluxuriance, especially when people cannot be what they want in life. People want more often the socioluxuriance of their ideal identity. Makes everyone wand grandness. Hence that's why people seek approval from people who bear resemblance to the small/ esoteric/ power circle they want to have in most people's ideal identity.
True friendship holds tenderness, and joy, not ambition.
Again, lonely people especially crave this. Because the novelty of having a friend may give socioluxuriance. Often being a good friend to people with tenderness is often confused for being a good person/ being loving and nice when they just have a socioluxuriance deficit. This is why often the most insecure people who are the most friendly are probably weak people who will lie on the occaision to upscale.
It's like there is a pyramid scheme gradient of people who are of value depending on your self esteem/ socioluxury value. The sociosubstance pyramid of priority. The uglier you are, the more you feel you need others just to have them. The hotter you are, the less company matters and you seek quality company. And so, begins the chasers, and the choosers.
To answer your question of whether or not you can achieve relationships honestly... a lot of people think the world is built on lies as it is, and don't care for virtue. So they don't necessarily care whether or not
What you said about humanity being good to one another, and valuing a relationship for honesty wouldn't have that virtuous feel if you didn't underlyingly think humanity did it because it was profitable, not virtuous. Just proportion the amount of people who do anything virtuously vs unvirtuously.
I am betting if you're incel the novelty of having someone makes you inflate the idea of real companionship more to just be comfortable with that. But the cycle of social bitterness makes people want to be prominent from bullying. Where, people who have had high hopes for life will try and feel they have to fight back against the society that denied them it furiously. The more of what people expected, then the more someone feels it's owed usually when they do't receive it. It's the way of humanity to compare themselves to the best, and to assume the worst. Comparing themselves to the best gives entitlement, gives insecurity, and assuming the worst + being insecure gives them consistent fuel to be motivated by negative emotions, and be victims, and assuming the worst is safe. People must often assume the worst to be safe in very dangerous/ high stake desires.
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