On the self-destruction of the female gender

It has long been known that poorer societies are way more fertile than affluent ones. In the year 2017 the average German women had 1.6 children while her Somali counterpart had 6.1. The reasons for this are many:

Females in poorer areas have less access to contraceptives and education (creating the need to early marry a successful man). The absence of social security and high child mortality are also a reason to father a high number of children. Add to that strict social and religious norms and women are basically constricted to the role of birthing machines.

However, the slow process of modernization did away with such restrictions. More and more countries became wealthy, enlightened and liberal. The female populace of such developed nations sized the opportunity to indulge in education, career and hedonism. After all, this is what men did, and men and women are absolutely equal in ability and desire…

Consequently, the fertility of such places dropped steadily. After all, family and children is an unnecessary roadblock in the pursuit of a fulfilling life. If a woman wanted to reproduce at all, she could do so in her 30´s or even later. A pet would also do, since it is low maintenance compared to actual children. Sure, there were still women who had two ore even more children, but the general trend was a steady decline in youth and an aging population.

To replace the fading workforce, open border policies became much more common in the developed word. There still were struggling regions that produced way more people than they could support. These areas where the perfect breeding ground for young, desperate, low payed workers, which could sustain the decadent lifestyle of the western world. Even better, the newly arrived migrants multiplied far quicker than the native population, seemingly reversing the falling trend in the number of births. The economic collapse was averted…

But as it turned out such a system could not be sustained forever. The migrants integrated and adopted the behavior common in their new homes, including the apparent contempt for sufficient reproduction. Furthermore the pools of misery that spawned all the desperate migrants slowly turned dry. One by one, each country of the third world became developed, industrialized, educated, wealthy, free… and less fertile.

Again the population was aging. The birthrates dropped each decade and the mere thought of “replacement levels” became a ludicrous (and sexist) idea. Advanced automatization, robotics and AI could replace all of the tasks that would normally be reserved for humans anyway. Additionally, the planet was still overpopulated. Why not let mankind shrink to a more compact size that would put far less strain on the environment?

And so the number of humans dwindled. The global birthrate was at a constant low and the population fell to a point were fear of extinction drove government and private citizens to take desperate measures. Huge sums and privileges where offered to women if they would just agree to have those two to three children necessary to keep humanity from dying of old age.

However, at those times money was no longer a sufficient motivator. Technology made it possible that each individual could be the king/queen of his/her own realm full of pleasure and entertainment. And why should a queen degrade herself with such a primitive task as carrying a child to terms? Some did, some even out of obligation towards the species, but not nearly enough.

There were even occurrences of kidnappings and related crimes with the explicit purpose of forcing the victim into involuntary motherhood. But nothing could stop the imminent suicide of mankind.

It was then, that the first functional artificial womb was introduced to the public. A semi-organic contraption that could replicate the functions of the female reproductive system in an optimized fashion. Hormone and nutrient provision could be adjusted perfectly to suite the necessities of the growing life within, with no pollutions or disturbances to speak of.

Like a real womb, a sperm and ovum was still necessary to create the embryos that would grow within. The former was cheap as ever, the later was preserved in huge numbers within storage facilities, filled to the brim with the eggs of women (most of them long dead) who planned to reproduce in later years… Additionally, women were much more likely to sell their many eggs than to endure pregnancy themselves.

The technology was made publicly available. Everyone could now order a child, raise it (a task mostly given to robots and AI) and call themselve a parent. The global population was now kept in a stable condition, nether shrinking or growing too much, never too young or too old.

It was around the time of that stabilization that two new trends became apparent, each as significant as the falling birthrates of previous times:

The (mostly single) parents of the artificially born children did not choose the genetic components at random. Instead mostly the best was chosen to create a new file. The resulting generation was smarter and heartier than anything before. It soon became apparent that fathering a child the natural way was as irresponsibly as playing Russian roulette.

This fear driven competitions for better genes lead to the second worrying development; a growing majority of the new children were selected to be male. The reasoning is was: The average man and the average women might be equal in mental ability and productivity, but the most intelligent, creative and industrious of people where almost entirely male. The same is true for bad attributes, but who would select those anyway?

An old phrase, often repeated in those times was: “There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper …and I want my child to be a Mozart, therefore it should be male.”

Further accelerating this trend was the (mostly) unspoken sentiment that women where somehow collectively corrupt, apparently proven by the fact that they almost led humanity die out of sheer laziness and irresponsibility.

By the time that only one out of a hundred people were female, it became apparent that the supply of female eggs could run thin. The solution, not in small part supported by the aforementioned prejudice, was as simple as it was twisted: Female embryos would be “modified” to never develop a central nervous system. An artificially induced, and less lethal, form of anencephaly would help to create mindless beings whose only purpose was to provide female eggs.

It was at this point that the female gender slipped into insignificance. For a few generations there were radicals and nostalgics who would create females on purpose. But sooner or later everyone agreed that living as a female, outcompeted and disliked by a world full of best-of-the-best males, was a cruel fate that no soul should have to endure.



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